Nov 15, 2004 22:55
If I met you in a seasoned fight
I'd cut off both your wings
On principle alone
My day was... normal until about 1:00. I ran across (or, rather, ran from) Gareth after my lecture and we talked. It felt terrific to re-connect with him, as it does with any friend you haven't talked to in a while. Now I just need to stop by and see Krissy... Later on, I failed winter track miserably (I don't care what you say, Willie) and I felt like a fish out of water. I went over and hung with Ingrid for a while 'cause Luke had offered me a ride home and ski practice wasn't over yet. Kurt Melby saw me hanging around (even though I was very rarely near him and/or Luke) and said "Why are you still here? Go home!"
Hey megalomaniac
You're no Jesus
Yeah, you're not fucking elvis
It wasn't really teasing either. He was trying to "shoo" me away. That bugged the hell out of me. Not specifically for what he said, but for the sentiments underlying the statement. Luke told me a week or so ago that the frisbee guys were talking to him, not really pleading with him to get me not to try for the open team, but sincerely vocalizing their preference that I not. When Luke first told me, I was kind of shocked that there was actually a verbal concensus among the boys about this. I wasn't blind-sided in any way. I could see it coming. But the fact that they were actually discussing this. And the fact that they went to my boyfriend to talk about it and brought up me.
Step down, step down
This has been going on all year. The women never get any respect. The other girl co-captain, Stephanie, has been left (I suspect deliberately) out of the loop. None of the boys listen when it's just the two of us at practice. Dan complains about having all the responsibility, but I know he likes having all the power. Even Luke, the other boy captain, rarely gets respected. It seems we're running a one-man show, and sadly I'm the only one who's trying to do shit about it. I talked to Sandahl earlier this year, who in turn talked to the whole team and then us four captains, to try to even out power a little. But that accomplished shit. Everyone's just too damn happy with the Schmit hegemony.
If I were your appendages
I'd hold open your eyes
So you would see
That all of us are heaven sent
And there was never meant
To be only one
Once we left (and, boy, was I glad to) despair and rage ensued. How could this be happening? Luke admitted that the guys are not really concerned about girls not playing as well as boys, although that is their pitifully flimsy and thoroughly transparent layer of justification, it's just the fact that I am a girl. Period. Well, shit, guys. I can't really change how I was born. Lord knows, I've asked why I was born a girl over and over again, but I'm still stuck with it. Nevertheless, I'm as (or more) dedicated to this team than any of you. But I have boobs and a uterus, which means I'm not built for speed. So? I don't care about being the star player. I was expecting not to play as much on the open team, anyway. That goes without saying if we're really concerned about our performance record. But not to even give me a fucking shot? That's what really sets me off. That's just blatantly sexist. And it's okay with these people? They should be exiled from society. Fucking chauvinists. Who gave them the damn right to dole out opportunity?
Hey megalomaniac
You're no Jesus
Yeah you're no fucking Elvis
I'm going to fucking show those bastards. I'm putting my sweat and blood into it. I'm going to rip those damned smug smiles off their little faces and leave them all choking on my dust. They have no right to think they can pass me up just 'cause I'm not a boy. I will work my ass until it is raw before I ever let them use that excuse ever again. I'm going to work with our coach to put together a training schedule from now until spring season. I'm going to blow their minds. Holy shit. I am so pissed, my hands can't stay still; they keep shaking.I can feel the absolute ire coursing through me. Thank God I don't have any serious weapons in my house. They have no right to do this to anyone. I'm going to fucking show them if it kills me.
Step down, step down