Nov 10, 2004 09:43
I'm feeling the urge to update. Don't ask me why. Well, it was probably that "hutta" thing Willie and I did on Monday. My livejournal is definitely insanely self-centered. The thing showed you the hundred most common words in your livejournal and in the top twenty were "i" "me" "i'm" "my" etc.
Oh, lookie there. I just saw the front cover of the Strib. Ashcroft is leaving!! I thought this day would never come! Now let's hope we can get some of those other geezers out of the White House. (Willie: They might be putting in a black man! Except that he would be an Uncle Tom. Any black man that works for Bush is an Uncle Tom. Except Colin Powell.) Thank you for that wonderful commentary, Willie. (Willie: Welcome.)
What else? The gophers (football) got my hopes up and deserve to be smacked for their humiliating losses to any team whose name starts with an M. Or W. In fact, they were most likely still reeling from their game with Michigan that they thought the Wisconsin W was an M and decided they'd better loose that game too. No wonder the Daily's full of Goldy-bashing freaks (not that I haven't been putting in my one vote a day at -- you all should, too. It's about time Minnesota got some national recognition.) The Vikes are sucking it up too. And Spree needs to shut his mouth. $14 million and he's complaining about feeding his family. I don't think I can ever be proud of being an athlete again.
Oh look, this is getting to be a long and rambling entry that no one's going to read. Fabulous. How 'bout I shut up now so I don't take up any more room on people's friends page...