i know it's been like a year and a half since i've given a really good update. haha i'm lazy. and i have a feeling this one won't be so hot either tho. oh well.
i became an aunt yesterday. lima bean is the cutest thing in the whole wide world. i love him. he comes home tomorrow. so i'm pretty excited. yay!
this weekend was great. hung out with jon pretty much the whole weekend. it was wonderful. good times, good times.
i need to start practicing my guitar more. i really do. i need to get movin.
i don't have a room anymore since pickles and the baby are going to be staying in my room. it kinda sucks cause all my shit is everywhere and i have no where to put it. it sucks really bad. i hate having my things all cluttered and all. oh well. it'll be like this til i go away. blah.
hmmm....what else?
i'm giving hugs and love to
amy cause she's been having a rough weekend and she needs my love! haha. :) i'm also giving hugs and love to my super sweet
mer cause she's wonderful and beautiful and cause i love her! and we're hanging out super soon cause i miss her tons!
this weekend i want to go to the beach. but i need a suit. i think i hear H&M calling me cause they have some hot shit in there. maybe this friday nite i'll take a trip to miss cherry hill mall.
alrighty...i'm out cause i need to clean some of my shit and await a call from someone special :)