from an app in progress

Oct 16, 2010 02:16

"What in the hell makes a girl think that letting the man who she first met when he came to kill her control the situation is the safest decision? I think that despite her own ability, she has a deep-seated need for protection coming from having been forced to be self-reliant. She doesn’t have to be constantly nervous and on her guard, and while she does believe in Ladd’s promise to kill her (he’s kept every other one he's made), that's a remote threat to her. And she’s more than all right with him keeping this promise. He’s been so good to her, and it’s the one thing he wants from her in return, so it’s what he deserves.

She operates on a similar principle towards the rest of the world. She doesn’t believe there’s any such thing as a free lunch (there never has been, in her life), and she has to pay back any favors she receives."

what is this headspace. what is my life.

pretendy funtime games, death threats as an awkward pda, not la belle et la bete, immortal gangsters, rp nonsense

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