Aug 07, 2005 11:05
Item 1.) I want to take a road trip that ends when I die. I want to always be in the process of going and never, ever returning. My outlook will splice the child-like awe of always being exposed to something new with the buddhist-like detachment of one who knows he is in a constant state of departure; he can gently drop stale emotions and experiences like logs into a passing stream because he feels no panic at the loss of the past. I will hold nothing in particular sacred, allowing the most mundane and everyday objects of my attention to be bathed in a new light and seen in a new way. The filters will come off.
Or maybe I'll just wither away in this shithole. I'd make quite a good real estate agent.
Item 2.) In other news, I'm going to North Carolina for a few days before school starts. The road will feel good, as will the airplane. Flying alone on an airplane always gives me a really positive rush. And I'm happy for Dave that he's making a move.
Item 3.) The Pink does not know how to pour a Guinness.
Item 4.) Oh, and school is a trap.
Item 5.) And I hate the government.
Item 5b.) And all other governments.
Item 6.) And bombs. Fuck bombs. I'd punch all bombs in the face.
Ok, I'm done.