May 22, 2005 23:39
1. Have you ever finished off the popcorn and ate the junk from the bottom of the bag? no, not really
2. Have you ever had sex in a tent? No.
3. Have you ever had a secret crush on a teacher? dont think so
4. Do you own more than 100 cd's? no
5. Have you ever been so drunk that you have passed out? No.
6. Have you ever dated a goth? no
7. Have you ever regretted a date? n/a
8. Have you ever seen a ghost/ufo? no, skeptic all the way
9. Have you ever done anything you could be arrested for? Yes.
10. Have you ever done anything you could go to jail for? Yes.
11. Have you ever broken a bone? No.
12. Have you ever crashed a car? well, not "crashed" per se, but it did end up in a ditch after all was said and done
13. Have you ever fallen off a bike? Yes.
14. Have you ever refused a date because of what your friends might think? No.
15. Have you ever listened to a song and cried? only for the memories associated with said song
16. Have you ever seen your favorite band/singer perform live? No.
17. Have you ever been found sleep walking? yes, but not since i was a little kid
19. Have you ever watched a Tomb Raider movie without being aroused at some point? well considering there are only two.....sure
20. Have you ever dated someone a decade older than you? No.
21. Would you date someone a decade older than you? dont think so
22. Have you ever sent a crank call or email? ...hmmm...i doubt it
23. Have you ever been pregnant or got someone pregnant? No.
24. HOW would you like your child? overeasy?
27. Have you ever had major surgery? No.
28. Are you afraid of the dentist? yeah
29. Do you have a tattoo? No.
30. Have you had any piercings done (not including the ears)? no
31. Have you ever been shit on from the sky? No.
32. Do you like scary movies? Yes.
33. Do you like your job? I don't have one.
34. Do you get along with your sibling? occasionally
35. Do you still have all your grand parents? Yes; great grandparents, No.
36. Have you ever had a date with someone you met online? No.
37. Do you ever wish you could relive your childhood? sometimes some parts
38. Have you ever beat up your computer? almost, ive dissected it once or twice though
39. Have you ever watched The Goonies more than twice in a day? i havnt seen that movie in years
40. Have you ever wondered why you fill this shit in time after time? cause i can and i have nothing better to do