random shit

Aug 29, 2006 13:14

1. In two words, explain what ended your last relationhip?
overattentive suffocation

2. When was the last time you shaved your legs?
last night

3. What were you doing this morning at 8am?
dreaming about spain with french subtitles

4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
checking my email

5. Are you any good at math?
i'm surprisingly good at alegebra,but my math teachers hated me.

6. Your prom night?
i spent the prom time dancing with my boyfriend dan and after prom played nintendo in the limo and went to bed early because my friends were being lame. the next day i learn that my brothers and friends drank 4 bottles of vodka,cases of beer,and smoked pot til 8am. my boyfriend broke up with me a few hours later.

7. Do you have any famous ancestors?
my cousin george 'the shadow' morton. record producer from the 60s-now. known for producing for hendrix,vanilla fudge,
janis ian,the new york dolls,the shangri-las, and numerous others.

8. Have you ever taken out a loan to pay for school?
hell yeah,what's up debt?

9. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile?

10. Last thing received in the mail?
sva bills,bills,bills.

11. How many different beverages have you drank today?
one coffeeeee

12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machine?
yes and theyre usually long and unneccessary.

13. Who did you lose your CONCERT virginity to?
the smashing pumpkins at radio city music hall,circa 98'

14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
no,i usually make sand towers.

15. What's the most painful dental procedure you've had?
i would like to talk about the most monotonous one. i had about 14 teeth removed within a 6week period. for 7 weeks, i had 2 teeth removed every weekend when i was 9.

16. What is out your back door?
a large backyard pool hammock setup at my parents home. at my brooklyn house-a fake backyard

17. Any plans for Friday night?
errr moving furniture in bk

18. Do you like what the ocean does to your hair?
it makes hair kinky wavy and smelly even if you dont go in the water.

19. Have you ever received one of those big tins of 3 different kinds of popcorn for Christmas?
my mom buys them but no one eats the cheese kind.

20. Have you ever been to a planetarium?
yes and i might be going to one tomorroww.

21. Do you re-use towels after you shower?
yes for a few days

22. Some thing you are excited about?
going back to brooklyn,spending time with david bailey.

23. What is your favorite flavor of JELLO?

24. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?

25. Describe your keychain:
a purple labeled thing.

26. Where do you keep your change?
in my pockets and my ginormous wallet

27. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people?
errrr last week at a party

28. What kind of winter coat do you have?
brown puffy goodness.

29. What was the weather like on your graduation?

30. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed?
closed as tight as possible

31. Do you have the hotts for someone right now?
i am attracted to someone

32. Are you self-conscious?
not so much as i was

33. Do you like your hair color?
yeah i suppose

34. Do you have a laptop or desktop?

35. What kind of iPod do you have?
used to have a 20 gig and i stole back the 10 gig that a bastard had stolen from me 2 years ago.

36. Are you content with your life right now?
i suppose
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