Title: Magnitudes of Zero: A remix of
High Ground, by
fahyeAuthor: Claira
Rating: PG
Summary: Cutting off her hair turns out to be the easy part. PILOTS. This no longer fits easily into canon, but ... that's what remixes are for?
Spoilers: Up to Season 3
A/N:: This was written for pxremix and oh my god, this is so late. Like, eight months late, and I
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Kara had known just by the way Lee started penning the first line, laboriously neat, that he had no idea of what the next line was, or anyway of getting to the solution at all.
I love this. So Lee, and so especially Lee dealing with Kara. And in a literal sense, it shows how well, how instinctively, she knows him.
"So I had to leave him. He deserves better. He deserves someone who isn't going to take out her own shit on him."
I loved the split second fake-out of this line, how Kara starts out talking about Sam but is immediately talking about Lee.
She remembers something from Hilcher’s physics class: the product of vectors moving perpendicularly is zero - nothing.
This line makes me so sad for them. I really didn't much enjoy this part of season 3. I think I was watching about three episodes a night on DVD to try to find some K/L interaction.
I found Kara hard to watch during this period - not because of the lack of K/L, but because it was awful to watch her self-destructing and no one noticing except to condemn her, without anyone thinking to get her some help. It was nice that this fic addressed that, with Helo's unobtrusive concern and Lee making her talk to someone.
I'm rambling now. Anyway, I really, really enjoyed this.:)
I found Kara hard to watch during this period - not because of the lack of K/L, but because it was awful to watch her self-destructing and no one noticing except to condemn her, without anyone thinking to get her some help. It was nice that this fic addressed that, with Helo's unobtrusive concern and Lee making her talk to someone.
I know! I felt so bad for her, seriously! I was just like "... what? Why is everyone so angry at her and not trying to help?!" I realise that she was being horrible, but nobody tried to find out WHY she was. Sure, Kara's not an easy person to drag answer out of but surely someone could have thought that her actions were symptoms of a bigger problem? I really had issues with that in the show. As I'm sure you can tell.
I love Helo to pieces; he'd be the most loyal friend anyone could ask for.
Thank you again for your lovely, thoughtful feedback. It was a joy to receive. :)
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