Title: All Feelings But This One
Author: Claira
Summary: Backstory. Kara, Zak and Lee in 16,800 something words. In two parts because LJ won't actually let me post it all at once.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None whatsoever.
A/N: A HUGE thank you to
bantha_fodder and
brynnmck who put in the hard yards with it once I was done, and to those people who listened to me talk
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Comments 6
Off to read part two!
Poor Zak. He's so cute! And wants so desperately to be a viper pilot. sigh.
You should write more longer stories, i have read all your stories on "at the end of the world" website, like them all, but always feel slightly disappointed when the end comes too soon. Also you should be paid good for writing!!! Can you let me know if you have any books published, i will do and buy them!!
I am definitely not you brother, i am a female, live in UK, would love you to be-friend me.
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