Some favorite quotes from the Big Finish Seventh Doctor/Ace audio, The Fearmonger:
Mick: Ladies and gentlemen, live in our studio, Captain Righteous!
Doctor: What did you call me?
And then he had to ruin it by not actually being indignant. :)
Ace: Well, that's genius at work.
Doctor: Two parts genius, one part panic.
Doctor: Paul Tanner! Congratulations, you're today's lucky winner! Ace, tell the man what he's won.
Ace: A complete set of explanations from the Professor here. And you have no idea what a rare and precious thing that is.
Doctor: Ace...
Ugh, it's like trying to get answers from a rock.
- Ace, on the Doctor
Doctor: Ace, what are you doing?
Ace: Getting your screwdriver.
Doctor: Why?
Ace: You're going to ask for that next.
Doctor: Ha! Pliers.
I love so very very much all the teasing and playfulness. They totally love each other.
Ace... remind me next time... use a non-stick frying pan.
- The Doctor
The whole "Ace gets shot and the Doctor whispering 'it's alright Ace everything is going to be alright...'" -- GUH.
Doctor: I've always hated hospitals.
Paul: Too full of sick people, right?
Doctor: And doctors. Who think they know everything.
Paul: Yeah...
*pets Seven*
I think that U.N. security pass of the Doctor's had 'get out of jail free' printed on it.
- Roderick
You really want to have an epic confrontation here in the waiting room?
- The Doctor, to the fearmonger
I had shades of Nemo's "Lost Luggage and Lost Souls" in my head.
The whole conversation between the Doctor and Ace at the hospital.
Did the files also say he makes great omelettes?
- Ace, on the Doctor
Why did I instantly think "morning-after breakfast-in-bed scenario"?
Mick: Will someone just give me a straight answer here?
Doctor: No.
I sporfled.
I'm travelling with a recent gunshot victim, a terrorist who's just had a nervous breakdown, and a--a lunatic who's just climbed on top of my car!
- Mick, during the riot
He's juggling! Lord help me! He's juggling!
- Mick, during the riot, watching the Doctor
Ace: Doctor, come ON!
Doctor, slurred: No, I don't want to play a teacup.
Ace: You alright?
Doctor *yes*: Of course not. I'm fine. Uh--we keep going.
Ace, accusingly: You didn't do that just to make me scared for you, did you.
Doctor: Of course, it's all a cunning plan or something.
*more snerking*
Better turn on the fan, I think something's about to hit.
- Ace
I want to steal this line and use it in an appropriate situation.
Ace: I won't let you ruin him!
Doctor: And you're willing to die for that.
Ace: Of course. He knows that.
Doctor: Actually... I didn't.
This killed me.