And to begin the new year...

Jan 02, 2007 13:03

I think my New Year's Resolution is going to be "Get off my ass and do something". Watch it not happen, though. I am just so damn apathetic all the time now. I wish the state would hurry up and get back to me on whether or not I'm going to get an interview for their crummy museum aid position. Job plzkthnx.

In other news, our dog is batshit psychic. I am not kidding. No matter where she is in the apartment in relation to me and Eric, no matter what she's doing, if Eric so much as puts a hand on my shoulder she comes in and tries to get all up in his grill. We have tested this--it is uncanny. Never fails. We've decided she has Daddy Spidey Sense, the jealous vulture. :D (I just got an awesome picture of her asleep on the couch, too.)

And mwahahahaha I am sucking eclecticmuse into teh Seven/Ace love with me. Bitch, we need to utilize your Netflix card. Like, yesterday.

Best quote ever, from someone on Eric's World of Warcraft server on December 31st: "I really like 2006. Why'd today have to come along and kill it?"

fandom, doctor who, evie, work

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