
Mar 04, 2011 01:09

So, things I did while not writing entries in this journal:

- Watched Doctor Who series five. Every episode, on transmission, for the first time since becoming a fan of the show.
- Promptly fell head over heels for series five.
- Became a very staunch and avid fan of Arthur Darvill, aka Rory Williams in Doctor Who (which will have long since been patently obvious if you follow me on either Twitter or Tumblr).
- Started roleplaying Amy Pond. (Journal: too_fairytale)
- Celebrated my fifth wedding anniversary. (Oy.)
- Saw the national tour of Phantom in Atlanta, for the last time before the tour closed in November.
- Turned twenty-seven. (Double oy.)
- Went back to Dragon*Con. It was fucking awesome.
- Got friended back by Thomas James O'Leary on Facebook. (You guys just don't know.)
- Continued to be unemployed.
- Continued to procrastinate like a motherfucking bitch on both fanfic writing and getting my website(s) back up.

In other words, not too terribly much.

doctor who, amy pond, dragoncon, phantom, arthur darvill, television, real life, tom o'leary, randomness

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