Aug 23, 2007 14:12
my cat woke me up by knocking over my flowers. it wasn't the initial knocking over that woke me up, but the cascade of water hitting the carpet. so I dumped water on him because I was so mad. what a jerk.
also I am really really mad. again. because I just got home from the dmv. which probably stands for dumb moronic vultures. I was so SOOPED about getting a new license? because the picture on my old license was horribly outdated and stupid and I looked like a deer in headlights. AND THEY DID NOT EVEN TAKE A NEW PICTURE BUT JUST USED THE OLD ONE OH MY GOD I HATE THIS STATE'S PUTRID DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND I HOPE THEY CATCH EBOLA OR CHOLERA. If I have to pay $31.50, they should have taken a new picture. fuckers.
whatever. a haunting is on.
pretty much pissed the hell off,
personal injury,