Take this
1. Am I cute?
2. Am I crazy?
3. Am I lovable?
4. Am I funny?
5. Am I annoying?
6. Am I psycho?
7. Am I daring?
8. Am I a good person?
Would You...
1. Hug Me?
2. Miss me if I was gone?
3. Listen to my problems?
4. Hug me if I cried?
5. Be a good friend?
6. Get in a fight for me?
1. Would you Ever go out with me?
2. If you already have, would you do
Read more... )
2. Am I crazy? I always get confused when someone asks this
3. Am I lovable? yess
4. Am I funny? yes
5. Am I annoying? nerrrp
6. Am I psycho? haha,no
7. Am I daring? i..guess?
8. Am I a good person? yes you are dear
Would You...
1. Hug Me? I have and yes
2. Miss me if I was gone? I have and yes
3. Listen to my problems? yes
4. Hug me if I cried? Yes
5. Be a good friend? I hope i am
6. Get in a fight for me? Yes i would
1. Would you Ever go out with me? Well..yes, lol. I am and am happy for doing so
2. If you already have, would you do it again? yes i would, unless you like...stab me in the eyes
3. Kiss me? i have and yes
4. Marry me if you could? probably
5. Ever talk bad about me if we ever broke up? Nope
6. Snuggle with me? I have and yes ;]
If You Could...
1. Give me a new name, it would be? Um...i like yours
2. Do one thing with me, it would be? Hmm...probably go to the movies
3. Drop me a piece of advice, it would be? Not to be so damn cute, because it probably makes other guys jealous. I mean, you can be that cute still, but...i mean...well, it...was like a...not a real piece of advice.....damn i talk too much
4. Kidnap me for a day, where would we go? You know, im not sure, I'll need to get back to you about that when i DO! Mwahahaha
1. What do you love about me? Everything
2. What do you hate about me (seriously)? Well, i used to dislike the fact that i couldn't find your house, but thats fine now, so its all good :]
3. What is my best quality? That you're amazing
4. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be? Nothing
5. What is your honest opinion about me? An indescribable but suiting wow
1. what song (if any) reminds you of me? We Once Were (2) - the Album Leaf
2. Do I remind you of any characters on TV? ..no, lol
3. Have you ever had a dream about me? Yesh
5. If you just met me how old would you guess I am? My age
6. Am I huggable? Yess
8. If you could promise me anything.. what would it be? The walls of my room are a light shade of brown
1. Am I ugly, average, decent, good looking, beautiful, hot, etc? beautiful
2. Do you ever think about me offline? yes
3. If you could describe me in one word... what would that word be? wonderfulbeyondreason,becausethisisalloneword
4. Do you/have you ever had a crush on me? yes i do
5. When we first met, what were your thoughts? When we first met? I don't know if i remember.
6. If you had to describe to someone who I am what would you tell them? I would tell them to read what im about to post in your journal and realize how awesome you are.
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