(no subject)

Jan 22, 2006 02:33

This summer I was thinking about going on a road trip.
Visiting Virginia & Tennessee.
But I highly, highly doubt I'm gunna.
I mean, I'd be going to visit 2 boys whom I barely speak to. They don't call me, hardly talk to me & don't get me wrong they're both sweet & beautiful, but I feel that I have no future with either of them. They're just online friends, I guess.

So I finally had the guts to kiss my boyfriend, finally.
Yeah. Me & Chris have been going out since January 11th. && I just kissed him on Friday. It was so dumb. it was a kiss goodnight & he didn't call me Saturday nor Sunday. WTF. I'm breaking up with him.

Fuck people who don't call me.
I've been feeling really good lately though.
Like really good about myself. I've been going to the gym every day. I've lost 30 lbs since I've lived in Florida. I only eat very little & what I do eat, is only protein & nutrients & vitamins. I've gained so much muscle & my body is toned now. I feel healthy & much better.

I go to the gym to work off my stress. The more stressed I am, the harder I work & I've been working my ass off.
I got my new class schedule. I absolutely adore each & every one of my classes. They're amazing. First hour is art, where I don't even have to work & I have amazing people in my class. Meghan & James & Shithead<3 2nd hour I have health, which is easy A's && Brian Puccio is in that class<333333333 I love him. lovelovelovelovelove him. He's supposed to sleep over soon. :] W00T. He's a sweetheart.3rd hour is American History & Schnoor is in my class. Yay. && lastly, I have Geometry with Schnoor, Shithead, Sara && Emily. All cute little myspace people who I adore.

I love Tiffani.
She's amazing.
&& her brother's gay.
But hot.
But gay.

The end.
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