back is the photo journal

Oct 22, 2005 13:13

well a while back a group of arcadia NHSers went to the ronald mcdonald house and made tacos
dan and toot love ronald mcdonald

also a while back i marked the 5000th mile on my new car and guess where i was going when this event happened? Pats house! I wonder how many miles i've put on my car just going back and forth to/from his house.

i just missed it

the rest of these are just fun pictures:

don't you fret none, tis an altoid

nick looks silly in this picture, we had fun with the overhead and slide projectors

what is this illuminated hand holding you ask?

now you know
(speaking of illuminated, who wants to go see :everything is illuminated:, the movie, this week?)

The Best for Last:

i've determined i love malika
(tis a slide of a mountain on her face)

hope you all enjoyed that
i bid you all happy college applying
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