Aug 13, 2007 22:26
But it won't hurt to do it now.
At this moment, I am sitting alone in my 5-bedroom house (which I am leasing by myself for only $275 a month until next August). I didn't realize just how lonely it would be living out here in the boonies (and I DO mean the boonies... I live on "Buckshot Lane" people) until I moved up here for good. School doesn't start until a week from today--- so that means I have another week of loneliness until I actually get to start seeing people that I know again. As for school, I don't think I will be graduating until Fall of 2008. This is due (no doubt) to the fact that I just spent my Spring semester breeding and birthing Warmbloods in FL. This semester is already daunting... I'm undertaking 18 credit hours, TAing for my much beloved Reproduction class (which I took in Spring of 2006... so I will have to spend a considerable amount of time catching up with the information), and I was recently hired at Macado's as a server (so that I can do things like EAT, have internet, have power and running water, use my car, etc.). In short my friends, I am scared to death. And also stressed to the max. And school hasn't even started yet! I just spent half an hour going over the courses that I still have to take before I can graduate (I've done this countless times in the past few months) and I can't seem to figure out how to make myself feel BETTER about all of this. All I know is that it will be nice to feel normal again-- with a daily schedule, studying, and that sort of thing.... I only wonder if I have stuck my neck out a little farther than I should have.
I just really need to take a deep breath and go ahead and get through the first week of classes. After that, maybe I will be able to better judge how I can balance everything.