Sep 05, 2006 22:49
So school starts tomorrow, and after the best summer of my life I'm worried that the year isn't going to measure up. But hopefully, with 'The List' started we'll be on our toes for most of it. If we get everything done, my senior year will be a triumph.
I'm trying not to think too much about college applications and all that, because it's all starting to come together. I have my colleges picked, and all the research on them done [mostly]. Started sending in for applications, talking about financial stuff with my parents... it's all a bit surreal. I don't feel like a senior. At all.
History IA research? Not going to well. Both the books I took out ended up being stories and not historical fact, so I had to go take out a new one. And VanNostrand never emailed me the link to the online source guide.
I tried the whole blanket thing, but it didn't work. Today is not August first, even when I pretend the days are the same and connected. Tara just laughed at my desperation.
On another note.
Guy at State Fair: If I didn't like guys, I woulod totally like you.
Best. Compliment. Ever.