Feb 27, 2006 21:34
What can I say...it was my final youth group retreat, and I was actually depressed about that fact. I was surprised, normally I have fun and then just don't care after...but this one was really fun. I almost cried on the prayer walk, I will admit that. It was at Jared's station that I almost did...When he came over and blessed me, and he had my head between his hands, and his eyes closed, praying for me, I almost cried. And then he gave me a big hug! Lol. Then I almost cried at Dougs station too, the one where we wrote the names on the cards and then threw them in the fire. I don't know many people who I was close to that died though, but I started thinking of pets that I lost (sounds dumb) but it really got to me, you know? Whatever works I guess....
On the brighter side of things about the retreat....
-Mario now knows a lot more about me...so does Miles
-I know a lot more about the two of them as well...sorry Kristin, I already knew everything about you....What was said on the bus, stays on the bus.
-Miles and Kristin get obssessive about cards....
-Kristin's phone can survive after it was dropped in the water....
-Walking blindfolded over a 1 foot wide beam across water IS possible! With the help of Kristin of course!
-Watching the guys being late for morning prayer is absolutly hilarious! Proof, and blackmail material can be found on my phone
-Trying to sleep in a tiny cabin with a wood burning stove as your only heat source is amusing...especially when the fire goes out at 3am and it's freezing cold when you wake up
-Playing hearts with Miles, Mario, and some girl (I don't know her name!) is REALLY fun! Especially because of perverted conversations...lol
-Never drink milk and oreos outside...if a bug lands in your milk, you think it's a crumb...right Kristin?
-I love the song Flowers on the Wall!
-Being stuck for 3 hours at a dead stop in the middle of the highway isn't as bad as you would think...you get to play hakki sac and cards on the highway...not many people can say "I've played hakki sac on a highway"
-Turning around and seeing a random guy take a piss on the side of the highway is amusing too, especially when he didn't quite realize that we were all watching him
-Trying to figure out what the hell his girlfriend was doing in the back seat was very fun as well (we think she was peeing in a Gatorade bottle)
-Singing Chop Suey with Mario on a church retreat(may I remind you of the 'when Angels deserve to die')
-Hearing a girl talk about the birth control pill she can't find in her make up bag is hilarious (Catholics arn't suppose to use birth control)
-Playing hakki sac and having the hakki sac go out of the circle and having some random guy put it between his feet, kick it back to us, and continue walking is very random
-When Jared throws glow sticks at you...it's ok...he misses
"Ass water!"
"Do you wanna get wet!?"
::hastily shoves a water bottle throught the seats::
"With this!"
"You can't sleep, I won't let you sleep."
"You can't keep me awake."
"Wanna bet, I have rights to bother you."
"Then I have rights to bother you."
"No, it's a girl thing."
::attempts to grab drum stick from Miles and Mario::
::both guys lean in and attempt to bite me::
::Grabs Sharpie and begins to write 'Hi Miles' on Miles', who was asleep, arm::
::Writes 'Hi' and looks up to see him staring at me::
::backs away slowly::
"I'm cutting you off!"
...so many more but I can hardly remember now!