and you guys think I use big words... In french yesterday we were reading a newspaper article and our teacher said that we should understand it because almost all the words are similar in english. we got to "fustigé" and we're like, what does that mean? turns out that there's an english word fustigation which means: "To beat with a club, to criticize harshly" ( And our teacher expected us to actually know this word. she's like, well if you don't know the english word how can i teach you the french one? exactly... don't bother. if we don't need the word in english we're definitely not going to need to know it in french. she also expected us to know the word heteroclite. anybody know what it means? she also has us memorizing over 500 vocab words, and I couldn't tell you what they all mean because I don't know the english word, so i'm certainly not using it in french. We had to know "wall bracket" which I will absolutely never need to say in french. and we had to know the word for "prefect", which I've never heard outside the context of Harry Potter books, and the word for "cadre" which I've never heard except in the context of Chrysalis. Somehow I don't think i'll be talking about Chrysalis or Harry Potter on the AP exam. just a guess....
we have a sub for architecture right now so i can't start building my house yet. (a model not full-size, obviously) i decided that it would be fun to design dorms so that's what i'm doing now