Mar 14, 2007 00:26
How fleet is heart's shadow,
As passing as the shade of raven's flight,
As dark messenger passes swift above.
How swift it may be through and done,
As sunlight warms in raven's wake
As sable wings vanish in a sky thence more blue.
I feel better.
I was drained today, feeling somewhat sick at heart and angry by day's end. It was a stressful day, yadda, yadda some more.
The long and the short of it is, when I got home I felt stifled and restless, and so for once I listened to my subconscious and took off. I grabbed some thai food, salved my body with protein and tea, and then drove down to the beach.
I walked barefoot in the sand for who knows how long, drawing in the ocean and the night breeze. The waves rolled percussion while a choir of crickets and an orchestra of frogs made music nearby. There's something wonderful about the beach at night; it takes whatever you give it without complaint, then cleanses you in return with chill air and a sense of serenity.
It seems there's much to be had by listening when your body - or your spirit - tells you what it needs.