Jul 31, 2004 13:23
There's frenzied activity all around you, Take as much time as you need to rest and relax before hitting the real world again.Who knew? You suspected something might be up, but you didn't want to be presumptuous. Now a clear answer has come your way, and the news is as good as you could have hoped forYou're at the center of a whirlwind, and you can't quite see what's going on out in the whirling winds. Don't sweat it -- just let them wear themselves out and you'll be free.
Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts and your emotions of unsettled feelings. You really need to be on top of the situation today as Saturn moves 150 degrees to Pluto (8:07AM PDT) and the full Moon occurs (11:06AM PDT) -- energizing nine degrees of Leo and Aquarius. Many people you know will be consumed by worry, fear and anxiety right now. Don't join their ranks! Utilize your knowledge of astrology and grasp of spiritual wisdom to be a leader, inspiration and peacemaker. Send out healing thoughts and prayers to family members, your circle of friends and humanity. The Saturn-Pluto altercation is difficult because both are slow-moving planets and notorious for cooking up chaotic scenarios. Your key to victory is simple awareness of their interaction and accentuating common sense, focus and concentration on your immediate, next steps ahead.The Aquarius Moon reminds you that group projects and team sports can be joyous and memorable. Take part in a community event or fundraising drive. Movie madness and musical improvisation are in vogue tonight during the monthly Moon-Neptune union (7:37PM PDT). Watch your dreams!