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Aug 04, 2009 01:47

So I did get home in time to stave off the impending burnout o'doom, but it was a close thing.

I'm at a conference now, have finished the paper, more or less finished the talk for Thursday, but haven't started on a seminar for Monday.

The seminar is part of the crazy that has become my life (because there's no other way to describe a month with three talks, two papers and 22 nights in hotel rooms). I was asked to apply for a civil servant position with NASA by a few people, and found out I got an interview on Monday. As in a week ago. I really, really want the job, but man, two weeks to write a 45 minute talk is in.sane. Especially considering the month I've had (less than a week in my apartment for all of July! whee!).

So here's hoping I can keep it together at least till this time next week.
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