Oct 15, 2003 17:40
was thinking about how aloof and twisted i can be. sometimes, i'm so weird i dun even know myself well. i like to be with my friends yet i don't. i want to hear that my friends care for me yet sometimes i don't. i am uncomfortable when others say that my friend(s) and i are alike, i'll stay away from him/her, to avoid being totally like him/her.
then, i saw this:
"You seem to live on a different plane altogether - sympathetic, sensitive, friendly, but distant. It is very difficult for you to become very involved with anyone or anything. You are very conscious and value your personal space, this tends to bring about a certain loneliness, although you have a whole lot of friends who hold you in high regard.(uh actually im damn comfy in my own personal space, no loneliness..zilch.)"
"You tend to be philosophical and have strong intuitive powers. You are an admirer of beauty and everything about you seems soft and gentle.(soft and gentle?! *snorts*) You are unconventional and like to be original, something that results in bizarre and unpredictable behaviour.
You like to broaden your horizons of knowledge and are always ready to think beyond the present. Having an analytical mind, you are particularly drawn towards science.(*waves frantically* im in arts??)
You are not easily agitated and are patient and persevering.(oops i have zero tolerant for many things, trust me.) Aquarians hold strong beliefs and it is not easy to change their minds or opinions. However, in matters of religion, they are not fanatics. They accept the idea of universal brotherhood and are mostly modern in their outlook."
im tired. looking forward to friday! *grin*