“To know a life, you can learn through a book. But to know how to actually live a real life, you can only learn through your experience and mistake.” --myself.
A/N: Technically, I wrote this yesterday night in my Thailand time but it's still a "today" post for people in America-gaga-land :)
Today, I didn’t do many things except for clicking “delete” HTML trojan in anti-virus warning screen over hundred times and importing data to Scrapbook, Firefox add-on for hours just to have some unwanted data deleted manually later. It is tiresome but those things are far more than just a waste of time. Suddenly, in just a few minute ago, I have an
Ikkyū-san moment*.
Ikkyū-san moment= when you suddenly get an idea or answer of something out of nowhere."
magazinedee.com The realization hits me, hard, in my throbbing head that even when I thought I read or knew it already, in reality I still don’t have that much common sense in many things. And it comes crashing down on me that sometimes only knowledge just can’t make me survive a real life. I need to face the real problems to experience, to learn from my doing and even mistakes I made throughout the time. Without trying or confronting first hand, the knowledge I have carried around with me will undoubtedly be dull with a lack of usage. I now don’t have to contemplate too much, I just that, realize I have gotta learn from whatever I am doing for every step of my life.
Now, I realize, no matter how much I know, study or learn. It will become unfruitful if I never actually stepped foot on the real battle. Experience is needed, it is proved to myself that it is essential for people to achieve whatever they want. They can know how a life as much as they think they know, but if they actually wanted to know how to live their lives, they have to experience. Not from a book, a person but themselves. They need to come to conclusion by themselves to realize what’s right and what’s wrong they have been doing and how to achieve the good or avoid the bad outcome and what to change for the better. All from learning through their own missions.
This realization makes me understand more about things I have heard especially from Buddha. He told us to come and try his wisdom, the way to step out of the life’s boundary, the way to end the misery and the best way to stop the reincarnation we have to endure, all by ourselves, not just hearing, reading, believing or knowing from someone or somewhere. Also he said the wisdom we acquire will be vary and unique for each person, even though it is from the same burden he gave us. Which I now understand why experiencing and trying out any knowledge is so important. Because the same knowledge can be varied to each person to understand and realize. There’s nothing wrong or right about how they understand, but the result is the same: to survive a life peacefully.
Experience and experiment are required to have if you would like to know how to use knowledge while truly living the real life. And it cannot be from any other person but you, yourself only. Experience makes you know and avoid the same mistake. Experience makes you realize the best way for you to obtain the great outcome next time. While you may have good time with the path you’re currently on but other may feel better with another path they find out but after all, we end up in the same goal. It’s just that we use different way to follow and go to what we want. Like one uses airplane while another one uses train or boat but finally, we reach the same destiny we possibly want: success of whatever we do.
Right now, I have no doubt why company wants employees with at least 3 years experience or why some careers need to have at least 2 years experience to get license. I fully admit that only creativity, youth and knowledge cannot have the good outcome as successful as whoever with more experience. Experience is the most important for working and learning the life we lead. It maybe hard and harsh to earn one but after that it is worth the attempt and something we won and lost along the way.
However, experience is not always the all-time solution. it might work or not with the new things that comes up everyday but yes, it is actually very helpful when it comes to decision we have to make. People with many experience but cannot or do not learn to use them, experience will be useless just as themselves. Sometimes, experience itself does not help much neither. So here comes the knowledge and wisdom once again to to help sorting out yet be a guideline to process the experience to know exactly what to use. And vice versa, knowledge and wisdom need experience to help define and adapt for the real world.
At last, I realize from my own experience that experience is making me realize so many things in just a blink of my eyes. And I also realize, even if the experience costs me something of my life but eventually the experience itself will grant me a life the way I want it to be, with only one condition: when I finally learn a lesson or two from the said experience.
Have you ever had
Ikkyū-san moment & what was it about?
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