
Jun 23, 2004 12:56

I havent written in my journal for a long time...since the last day of school. WEll... My fandom has gone a little overboard, Im afraid. (yes, its possible) whilst I was conjuring my character in Harry Potter that I made up....I realized, 'Dude, youre not even English. The only chance youll ever get to go to England in your life is to get Pa to get a TDY over to england, (which is impossible b/c hes retiring soon) or...go by yourself with a friend. So I have my mind made up. When im like..old enough to go to Europe without parents (YAY) Ill grab Danielle and we'll go together to stalk all of our English and/or European fandoms. Not a bad idea, eh? And it makes me feel all bubbly inside that I have such an ingenious idea. (For the record, I was joking about stalking..its the fact that its youve probably got a better chance of seeing Daniel RAdcliffe or RUpert Grint walking down a street in London rather than in Yorktown, Virginia.) You know...maybe I am obssesed...but Im sure Danielle wouldnt mind going *Heart ya GurLiE* ^_^ b/c we both have a similar fandom...which is none other than..wouldnt you know it..the guys from Harry Potter. And you know what else? Devon is turning into a little hottie too! Now onto something more, since I probably know that half of you guys wouldnt really enjoy me rant about my fandoms all day. On to another note: I cant get PSP 8 on any of the computers in this house. They all suck (REALLY REALLY BAD) and my parents and older brother are concerned about viruses. I USED to be able to make pretty good icons, but NOO..now b/c of viruses and other crapful crap, which im pretty sure jasc doesnt have, because ive downloaded it in my brothers house a day ago (i have two older brothers...27 and 17.)and it didnt cause any problems but eating up some memory. Screw memory.(The comp. kind) I could rant and whine all day...but im deciding not to to save time.

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