Random Observations

Jun 03, 2008 18:56

Picking out a card for a parental unit in honour of their parental day is bloody difficult (too sappy, not sappy enough, wrong kind of humor, etc).

It's 10x harder when, although you love them because they are your parental unit, you neither like nor respect them.  I picked up a card today that was in the shape of a John Deere riding lawn mower (and had one pictured on the front - quite similar to the one my father has) but I couldn't buy it (despite the fact that my dad loves John Deere tractors) because I couldn't agree with the sentiment on the inside.


Guess it's a good thing I still have a few days to find a card.

I sincerely hope that my future children never feel that way about me or my future husband, whoever he may be.

Ah well - I'm off to write the "personal statement" portion of my uni application.  *Shh, don't tell
butmadnnw that I haven't finished it yet!*

Speaking of uni - what part of "applying for acceptance into the program" would lead one to ask a couple days later if I've enrolled in the fall semester yet?  *shakes head at silly Aunt*  I mean, it's not like it's a SUNY institution where my acceptance is virtually guaranteed - it's a private university.


*wanders off*

parents, stuff, butmad, su, school, me

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