Windmill, windmill for the land

Jul 27, 2005 21:33

...learn forever hand in hand, take it all in on your stride.

"Is eeeverybody innnnn?" *shakes her junk* lol AHHHH LOVES that song!!!

Mmkay, even though it's nighttime and stuff now and I've already talked to her on the phone and all that, I just GOTS ta wish my giiiirl, my BFF ANDREA nowaynovember_ A HAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPY BIIIRTHDAAAAAAAY TO HERRRR AND MANY MOOOORE!! Heeee! *claps*

I loves, and I hope ya had a g-golly-dontcha-know-ohhh-myy-GIIIIIDE birthday! lol I seriously don't know. Promise I ain't drinkin. However I wish I was. :D

And hoookay, coming down now. I'm sick, too so I dunno what all this cyber energy is about lol. Anyways.

What do I have to say? Ummm not toooo terribly much going on. I've somehow managed to catch my death a cold though. :/ It's not a baaad one, just the annoying stuffy nose/dry and scratchy throat/can't sleep at night poopyness. Ughhhh. :( It BEST be gone by this weekend though cause it's my friend Hope's BACHELORETTE PAWTY, ahhh yeeeeah! Heh, yeah I'm not gonna get to go to part of it because of stupid work... I'm gonna miss the dinner and possibly clubbing. I dunno what all exactly they have planned but Steph told me (she's her maid of honor) that the uh... stripper and sex toy party would be at Steph's house later on in the night, so I can at least make it to that part after I get off at midnight. WOOOOOOO BRING ON THE STRIPPAS!! lol Um no. I remember the one at Steph's bachelorette party shoving his ass and... front... in my face wearing nothing but a thong and I was just like *turns 11 shades of red and laughs hysterically to hide the discomfort* heeeeeeee. It's fun though. I mean, I'm a good girl but don't let my innocence fool ya... *whispers* I'm secretly quite naughty... just a wild, untamed tiger WAITING to be unleashed. *cracks whip* LOL >;P

Yeah I dunno how I got there. I apologize.

ANYWAY, yeah so Hope is my last friend to go marry herself off. Well, my last friend that I grew up with. But yeeeeah, I'm the last single one. *bursts into tears* Hahaha. Well, unless you count Maria but she's pregnant so she may as well be married, ha. OH, yeah, I don't think I mentioned that before... she just told me like almost a month ago. It actually disappointed me quite a bit because I mean, her and her bf have been together for like 5 yrs and they've been SAYING for like 2 damn yrs that they're "gonna get married, gonna get married...", so when she told me she was pregnant my first question was "okaaaay so NOW are ya'll getting married?" and she's just like "ohh probably after the baby's born". TUH. My ass. I'LL probably be married before her. I just don't understand it. How can you be ready to have a CHILD together but not ready to commit to marriage?! I guess I just don't get it since I have morals. *shrug* What really disappointed me though was that she had been on the pill for like 4.5 yrs, and she said she just stopped taking them when she ran out whatever month she got pregnant... back in March, and they just kept having sex w/o protection. *blink* Uhhh, HELLO DUMBASS! Sex with no protection equals GETTING PREGNANT. Even I know that. *eye roll* It was just a dumb move. I'm sorry. Her whole life is gonna change now and her bf has her right where he wants her. She's gonna have his baby and he doesn't even have to commit to her. They don't live together though, which I'm pleasantly surprised about. Just wait though. It won't surprise me if he talks her into it. Grrrr. It just sickens me to see my friend pretty much throwing her life away. She had PLANS before all this. She was gonna go to college and major in communications. She wanted to work for Telemundo Spanish TV. So much for any of that now. The odds of her going through w/ any of that after having a child and IF/when she gets married are near impossible. Let's just be real.

I just hate that soooo many women these days let their bfs/husbands persuade them into making sacrifices that aren't in their best interest. Aren't you supposed to want the BEST for the person you love?? Anybody that's WORTH your dreams WON'T LET YOU GIVE THEM UP! Remember that, ladies!! Heh. Okay okay, sorry for the rant. I don't really know how I got here either lol. I guess I've just been miffed about that. *nervous smile*

So yeah, that's the main news in the friend report. OH, and Hope and Matt (can't stand him, btw haha) are getting married on a beach in The Bahamas on 8/12. I KNOW!! The freakin BAHAAAAAAAMAS, baby. That's where I've always dreampt of having my honeymoon when I get married. *sighs and brings her clasped hands up by her cheek all dreamily* No faaaair. And I'm of course not going. She WAS gonna have a traditional wedding here at home and I was gonna get to add a 2005 style to my bridesmaid dress collection (lol -- always the bridesmaid, never the bride). Buuut nope, another case of the bf/fiance being inconsiderate and selfish of his woman's dreams and HE decided that they should just go away and have a small wedding w/ hardly anyone there. Such bullshit. Everybody's pissed about it and nobody likes him. They've been together for like 4 yrs or something crazy and I'm still shocked that he ever even asked her to marry him. He's 10 yrs older than her, divorced and has like a 10 yr old son. He used to tell Hope all the time that he would NEVER marry again and all this, but she kept staying w/ him because she's always been one of those girls that identifies herself by her bf, ya know? She's a nobody if she's single. *eye roll* If I didn't love her I would bang her head into the pavement lol. I just can't STAAAAAAAAAAAND when women are so fucking WEAK like that.

I mean, yeah I'm still sad/depressed/lonely from my breakup, but it SURRRRE has not and WILL not affect my schooling or my hopes and dreams for MY future. Robert did not define me. I probably did depend on him a little too much for my own happiness (which I've since learned from), but I was still always my own person while I was w/ him. He knew that with OR without him that I was/am an amazing woman that's completely capable of anything I set my head to. Well, if he didn't THEN I pray to God he does now.

So whatever, yeah, sucks I won't get to be at Hope's wedding.

Uhhh what else? School's going fine... I only have 2 MORE LESSONS IN THEORY!! I'm gettin scurred, haha. I just can't picture myself writing 225wpm. It's NUTS. I'm definitely excited about excelling though. I thought I'd never get done w/ Theory!

Miss Mally came over for a Ganna/Aunt Tafta "slumber party" last week, hehe. She spent two nights. It was a lot of fun like always. She's freakin hilarious and just SO smart, I can't say it enough. Not to mention the most beautiful little girl like, ever put on this earth. :p Millie, too of course. Heee. She's still too little to come over for a slumber party though. She turned 2 last month. :) OH and I stayed a couple of nights w/ THEM (my sister, Zach and the girls) in Granbury over the 4th of July weekend. It was pretty fun. I have to admit I got pretty bored though out thurr in the sticks, haha. I mean, I LOVE the country but I guess I was mainly bored by the daily routine that my sis and them live... they get up at the crack of dawn (the girls are usually bright-eyed and bushy-tailed by damn 6:30am -- anybody that knows me knows that I am NOT a morning person lol), go walk on the track while Zach runs his 4 miles or whatever, then they come home and have breakfast and the girls drag out their toys while they watch Noggin (kids cable channel), and then whatever else and they eat dinner at like 4:30/5pm and then the girls get their baths, read their books and then they're in bed by 7pm. 2 days of that and I was just ready to GOOO HOME lol. Don't get me wrong, I love them all to pieces but I just can't deal w/ that schedule. AND watching nothing but Dora the Explorer and Spongebob all day... oyyy. So yeah, nice to visit but I wouldn't wanna live there lol. The parade was pretty cool. My sista got pics, I did not.

Hehe and speaking of Mallori, she said the funniest, weirdest thing when I was over there... we somehow got on the subject of boys and how they're "icky" and stuff, and she goes "well, not ALL boys are icky... dada's not, grandpa's (Zach's dad) not... but, pappa (my dad) might be because... well why is he brown?!" LOL and okay ya'll are probably like WTF because yes, my father is obviously caucasion, but he does have very dark skin because that's just how his skin pigment is (he stays very tanned all the time and I totally wish I would've inherited that gene, haha) and that his mom was half Cherokee Indian. But that was hilarious lol... my dad cracked up when I told him later. But yeah, she decided that Pappa was not icky. ;p

We also took her to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when she was here. She did NOT like it, haha. She's so fickle because when my mom told her we were going to see it she was allll excited and couldn't wait, and then when we got there and got our tickets and were waiting for popcorn and stuff, she was all "can we go home?" lol. We eventually convinced that she did indeed wanna see it and a few mins into the movie she was okay, but she got scared at random stuff (I dunno if any of ya'll have seen it but it does have some things that I could see how it would be disturbing for a child her age). I liked it pretty well though... Johnny Depp's weirdness is entertainment enough in itself, heh (I love the way he talks in that movie... "yer weird!" "you smell like old people" lol). But yeah, all the way home and for the rest of the night we got to hear about how much she hated the movie and never ever wanted to see it again lol. Kids!

I don't think I have anything else to say. OH! I went out w/ my girly Michelle a few weeks ago (the week that Miss Andrea was suppoooosed to be here! but she's coming for REAL in like 2 weeks so it's okay now :D). I had made plans for us to go out w/ her and then stay the night w/ her and my bro in Seagoville (which we will be doing when ya come!)... it's only like 20 mins from Downtown/Deep Ellum is why. But we had SO MUCH FUNNNN and I drunk called Andrea at 4am heheheheheeee! I was like "heyyy I love youuu and yer supposed to beee heeere!!" and she was like "who is this?" LOL. It was a special moment. But omg, me and Chelle had some night... we went to some innnteresting clubs. First we went out for sushi and this place called Tepo's (it was pretty good but no better than Piranha's). Well wait, before THAT we had drinks at a bar next door called Moosh. Got some fun pics, which I will be posting directly! Ummm and lots of random guys tried talking to us, yadda yadda, I gave a German dude a fake number because he wouldn't go away unless I made him think he would see me again lol. I know, mean. Me and Chelle were like OMG and laughing hysterically as we ran away as quickly as possible. Random young/semi-hot dudes walked us to our car since well, it is downtown Dallas at 4am and that's not exactly smart for 2 young ladies, heeeeee! But they were nice. They followed us to Uropa (club I went to on my b-day) though and kept trying to get me to dance and I was like "you're nice but please leave me alone" and stuff. I just wasn't in the mooooood of guys. I actually almost started crying while we were there. Bottled up sadness I guess, ha. ANYWAY.

BEFORE that, actually we went to this other funky as hell weirdo club called Purgatory. Omg... it was like, National Asian Texans night or something because my gawd, we were literally THE ONLY white people there lol. We were just tripping out because I had honestly never seen THAT many Asians at one time around here, haha. And it was just weird there and the music was questionable so we left. $10 down the toilet. I dropped a hella lot of cash that night, omg. Drink prices are ridiculous. So yeeeah I think that's all we did... we went back to their house and girl talked and played w/ their adorable English Bulldogs (my other niece and nephew lol). It was a blast and I can't WAIT to do it again with Miss Wells here FO REALS! :DD

Whew, okay, I don't think I have anything more to say. Soooo now I shall post PICS!! Youuu liiike iiiit!

Warning: Adorable images ahead... may cause jumping of the uterus or other overwhelming feelings of love for children lol. Just look:


Muh feet and muh cat on the back patio. I was bored before getting ready to go out and so, yes.

Me and ma! Haha she was like "ewww I look GROSS, please don't post that" >:P Shee does noooot. (she didn't have makeup on though, heh)


Gettin ready. I was trying my Paris Hilton pose, hahaa.

Ladies night...

Me and the Chelle Belle! At the Moosh bar.

Mmmm sushiiii. At Tepo's. I have to say though that it wasn't quite that delicious... the avacado in the Caterpillar roll was mushy and ick. :/

lol Sexy. She would totally kill me.

In da carrr after sushi.

And this was afterrr... a club.

Tee hee! The next morning at their house. This is what I awoke to IN MY FACE lol... I slept on the couch and they just came climbing all up on me and breathing and drooling and wanting love. Much like a boyfriend. *nod* loll

This one's Brutus... I posted pics of him when he was much smaller.

And this is his sister/lover, Darby lol. She is SOOO SWEET. And yes, they've had sex but then she was spade, so... sister or ex-girlfriend? Heheee.

Her and my bro (Travis) chillin in the garage before he got off his ass and cooked our breakfast lol. He cooks a biiiig breakfast for her every Saturday morning (that he's not on the road), and that boy can COOK, lemme tell ya. It runs in the family. ;p

Being rednecks LOL. I don't know, I found that beer can in the lawn chair I was sitting in and that cowboy hat in some junk and well, kodak moment.

What the sophisticated walls of their garage are covered with, hahaaa.


My bro Joel's b-day...

On 7/1... him and Manda punkrockstylist came over for dinnah and cake. Oh and yeah, he's being dumb here holding up his gifts like he's 10, hahaha.

Whoa... what happens when mom's playing w/ my camera, haha. I look oooooogie.

Dork, haha.

He's an ooooold man!

Mal and Millie's ballet classes...

Tee heeeeeee! Miss Millie getting ready for her class... my sister recently put them in ballet and tap that they go to 2 or 3 times a week and me and mom drove down to watch them before we took Mal home w/ us. :)

Fixing her hair into a cute lil ballerina bun. :p

Warming up. lol

I. LOVE. THIS. PICTURE. Is it not one of those Kim Anderson Pretty as a Picture moments?? :) I think I'm gonna print it in b&w and frame it for my sis's b-day next month.

She wanted to ride with Aunt Tafta!

Heee, this is Millie in her class... she's the pink blur on the right lol. It was kinda hard to get decent pics cause they only let parents and stuff watch through a little window. I know! Dumb.

Oh I forgot, Millie takes tumbling, too. Mallori did this when she was her age.

She kept getting out of line not wanting to wait her turn lol. Ahhh what can I say, the rebels run in the family. ;p

Mal's class! She's really a good dancer and that's totally not the biased aunt talking, hehe... again, it runs in the family. ;)

Oh and her ballet slippers are exactly like the ones I wore when I took it at Northlake a few yrs ago. :p

"Thank Heaven, for little girls..."

Hehe, she loves watching herself in the mirror.

"I'm thiiirstyyyy!" she was gettin antsy waiting on big sissy, haha.

Tappa tappa tappa

Puttin on the ritz!

Holy crap, my head hurts and my throat hurts and ughhh.

That's all I got for now, how'd ya like thaaaaaat?

<3 t
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