Oct 19, 2005 19:01
ok i'm sitting here at montclair, and i had class (or thought i had class) and i was about 10 min late, because i had two presentations to do tonight, i was a little frantic to get to class (didnt want my group to think i flaked out or something..lol) well the second i walked in, they informed me that our prof was not comming and we could pretty much go home!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my mom had already left and is not comming back until 9ish, so i get to sit here for a least another 2 hours! with nothing to do, and none of my other homework with me.. i'm sooo pissed that my prof didnt send an email, or contact anyone to let us know that she was not going to be there! and she is teaching at a grad level! so now we have a total of 3 panel disscussions, and 3 sets of solo presentations to go in 2 1/2 hours next week! not going to happen! and i'm not sure which sucks worse, the fact that i'm stuck here for 2 more hours or the fact that i have no food, or money to get food.... and i havent eaten since 1! so... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................
ok my ranting is over.....