Comic-con: ramblings

Aug 02, 2007 00:53

Sarmy info + Comic-Con Review

Yesterday was my Bday!!  I've turned 20, a magical number *sigh*  .  
I also was planning to post a 'suprise' but I'll post it later. It has something to do with graphics.
So anyways I'm now an official Sarmy member on 9th. Sarmy a.k.a Sylar's army is a movement with a main cause: protecting Sylar's name from haters and other bashers. 
And ofcourse worshipping ZQ, which shouldn't be a problem lolz.

So here's some shameless promotion.
 Sarmy and the web:  Promo vid !!  // Facebook // Myspace //  Official forum  .
 Be sure to watch the awesome promo vid, you'll find more instructions about joining!

My personal opinion about the Heroes Panel at Comic-Con behind the cut

I didn't get much sleep lately because of the E-sleepovers (AIM convos) with fellow 9th members. These are hilarious.
 Lots of crack, less of sleep.

So I need to catch up with LJ so here's my review of the comic-con (based on videos). I didn't actually went to the con.

Heroes panel


Introduction by Jeph Loeb. My first thought. Is that the same guy who almost gave me an ear trout while watching the heroes commentary?
Anyway after he promoted the NBC site the real introducing of the cast members begin. 
When entering they all look incredibly hyper 8) . That's the first thing I noticed.
Maybe because of excitement cause some of them can't seem to find their seats. Heroes is a huge hit and they know it.

And lol at the T-shirts. 'I'm just a paper salesman' , 'Milo is my hero' , 'Hayden is my hero'. 
They're not to be seperated from the heroes fanatics that's for sure. 
Notice when Adrian places himself he immediately gets glomped by Masi and Greg. And a beardless Adrian! Wow! he just saved the world by shaving his beard.
When they called out Dania Ramirez I knew she wouldn't have a lot to say but it's nice to see the actual actress.


Tim Kring himself gives a short introduction about the evolution of the show since last comic-con. 
He seems like a very down to earth person. Jeph Loeb announces some winners from various contests. And then teh funny part ofcourse.
You go on youtube, you take like peter and put them together with Nathan and then you play love music, we don't know why..
At first I was like WTF he's making fun of us, but is kinda true if you see it from another perspective. 
We knew that Jeph Loeb was aware of petrellicest (he mentioned it during one of commentaries)  but actually seeing him say that in front of an audience that just creeps me out. Directors should not be hanging out on youtube snickering at our music vids.

The questionairy immediately starts of with Greg stripping (well..kind of). I was suprised by the huge amount of erm.. stupid questions.
It's also funny to hear the audience clapping after each answered question. But that's just me.

The first guy (yeah that guy who let the creator know that the final sucked - jeez show some respect) asks if the cockroach has a symbolic meaning. Well since the cockroach also appears at the end of the final I think most of us know that this can't be coincidence.
And you don't have go to a discussion board to know that. Just like eclipse, the mark,..everything has a meaning. 
The cockroach might be linked to S2 so it's obvious that TK wouldn't get to detailed.

Best memories on the show! My favo part. *grins* . Greg: working with Adrian Pasdar. Keep that in mind. 
And Milo's answer is totally badass haha. Also I think I like Ali more than her character Niki. 
 ZQ : One word:'Sylinder'  Looks to someone else at the table (Sendhil?). Zach don't become a too obvious like Emma Watson. lol.
So Jack Coleman became a regular because of the fans. 
Hmm Jeph Loeb letting us know that we definately have a certain influence. 
'You wanted more HRG, so you got more HRG'  I think we need to reconsider this into: 'You wanted more Mylar, so you got more Mylar'

Mic probs and then there's Masi and Adrian crawling under the table pulling the curtain. Which should have said: do NOT disturb.
What's the best of being part of heroes. Working with eachother. Now if everyone could say that. 
Just kiddin' it's amazing how the cast are found of eachother. Which is good!! Haha and everytimes Sendhil speaks up the crowd (or just a bunch of fangirls) are screaming. I can't blame them I'd probably be one of them. Greg says Sendhil is gorgeous. Sendhil is pulling Greg in. 
I'll definately use that line when I have a chance too meet him. *g* You might think Greg would do something like that but Sendhil . Whoa.
The audience squeeing(squeeling?)  and Greg putting his mind-reading face on makes me go ROFL.

The freakyness is gone and they're introducing and explaining heroes: origins.  But freakyness lasts especially when Kevin shows up.
The cast really didn't seem to know about him, cause they look like 'who's that stranger'.  He immediately starts to bring up the gay heroes. Huh? You know the Japanese dudes are gay right?  He made it sound haha. Everyone laughs, Greg laughs a bit too loud. 
The story about his wife...uhm right. I call that 'guy talk' so I don't go in any  further detail. Something not to be spread around is that you saw the season in two and half days. I don't know if that's something to be proud of.  But anyway here he is directing an episode. 
I'm curious about how it'll look like. Maybe some day we'll worship him for bringing more slash into Heroes.

More reasonable questions are being asked. Like what would you see your character do with his/her powers in future eppies..
Alright let Masi answer that haha. He's all dreamy and soo not paying attention so he just murmurs something. 
That's so sweet he's like 'give me a minute will ya'. More wrong answers. Ali: what turns you on the show? Milo: Coming out of her mouth. 
And Greg answers again: working with Adrian Pasdar. Yes Greg we all know now you're very found of Adrian. And James killing unspecial Ando's ego even more by answering: I have so many powers.

Another question: what did you bring from your personal lifes into the show. Jack: horned rimmed contact lenses. haha. the power to kill feedback. 
Adrian translating Masi's answer in Japanese: Masi likes to go commando!! *pauses vid* 
Masi fumbling his zipper. Adrian: Yes he likes to go comma... JL: Greg do something!  
Greg: Move on to the next person plz. 
*dies laughing* .

Some guy asks about the cast being afraid to be killed of. He adds: When they cancel the hit show, the rest of your life kinda sucks for a while.  LOL. There's more Milo worshipping. And we go on to..part six!
Part six is the part of the most lame insulting questions being asked where I often wanted to smash my head on my desk or just needed to punch something/someone. How lame is this: he and Ando are the least traditionally masculine of the male characters.. 
I'd punch him. Masi shrugs but I think he actually couldn't believe a sane person would say that for real. 
Ali got my vote when she said: 'Masi is damn sexy!' . I don't want to be that guy , give me a break. 
When continuing his nonsense question Masi seems to be completely stunned. Who wouldn't.

Another one. A women asked if season 1 should be seen as chapters or as an entire volume.  
I  wonder if some people even watched the series or understood the comic concept of the show. 
JL: Next question plz. 
'Jack Coleman, Mr.Bennet,'re badass buddy !! badass!! Milo you're tha bomb'  JL's face goes WTF.

Then there's that woman who was going ask a serious question. Are there going to be strong female characters on the show who are not cheerleaders or strippers?  *smashes head* I loved Ali's answer: Single mother who embraces her sexuality. 
JL and TK both answered that question.  I wouldn't even bother. But that's just me. 
You'd almost forgot Noah is still there in the same room, overhearing all these nonsense.  There's this moment where Hayden answers: ...cut of your fingers..or arms. She was going to say toes right?! Cause I don't cut of my arms.

Part 7 opens with a woman saying she's a bigger fan cause she paid 3000 for the plane tickets. You don't say that , but apparently she apoligized herself on youtube. Atleast her question (the Paire question) is interesting. And Hayden you didn't need to even ask that: 
which is creepier Peter being my uncle or ..(the age difference). Milo's like: uncle! uncle! 
Original roles? More interesting questions, we're on the roll..

Milo: Isaac. Greg: Peter FTW. and Zach gets a chance to answer this one too! And Sendhil was going to play his father?!
'My father's research' Greg: Say it once! Sendhil: For you grunny. 'My father's research'   LMAO. Should I laugh more about Sendhil calling Greg 'Grunny' or Sendhil making fun of his tagline.

In the end, TK announces that he'll begin an open dialogue on 9th !!!!! 
Which means he'll maybe even join the forums!!  Yay!!  But for his sake he should stay out of GC.

My conlusion: Screen the questions. 
There are more clever discussions going on on forums, LJ,.. then the things that has been said/asked  during the panel.
The cast was all hyper, excited and funny but it was the lack of respect that makes me wanna never see that vid again.

I apologize for any spelling mistakes but I'm tired as hell at the moment so I'll edit this later.

fandom: heroes, ramblings

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