Mother's Day Weekend

May 10, 2016 11:39

I can honestly say it was truly an honor to see Itzhak Perlman play. I was ten rows from the front of the stage so I could see all his finger/hand/arm movements as well as facial expressions.

Saturday basically went like this:

-Went to Queens to visit boyfriend's side of the family [all the while tripping over the gutter in my driveway and skinning my knees and hand]
-Got picked up by Gabby at 3 pm
-Visited our mutual friend at a street far in Glendale [Queens], which is ten minutes away from where I was [we all know each other from college']
-Talked a bit with said college friend and had a nice time
-Gabby and I got pizza at 4 pm then hit the road. We basically talked for the whole hour and a half
-Went to NJ and got dressed/ready at Gabby's place
-Drove to MPAC [Mayo Performing Arts Center] to see Perlman
-Got out of the show at 10 pm,
-Went back to Gabby's place to get her overnight bag
-Went to Quick Chek for some food [similar to Wawa/7-11, I guess]
-Hit the road
-Arrive home at 1:30 am
-Go to bed at 2 pm

My knee stung a bit initially, now it's scabbing over.

Me: left, Gab: right

I helped her do her makeup, hehe

It was sad seeing Perlman in a motorized wheelchair. He contracted polio at the age of 4 and has needed to use one the last few years. I think polio primarly affects the legs so it doesn't affect his ability to play. He had a pianist named Rohan De Silva with him and played some Firtz Kreisler pieces and was totally awe inspiring and amazing. Personally I was hoping for a Paganini piece but I know the caprices are very technically demanding [not that the pieces he played aren't] and maybe they're a little harder to do in old age? I dunno, but it was still wonderful to see him.

Makes me feel guilty for not continuing with the violin because I reaaaaallly want to take lessons but I have to hold off for a bit until after I get a car and figure out how much insurance and gas is going to be. In the meantime though, I'm going to go back to my Suzuki books and do all my exercises [scales, arpeggios, intonation practice mostly] so that I won't be too rusty.

Sunday I woke up sore, stiff and exhausted from spending 3+ hours in a car so I didn't do anything special for Mother's Day. I didn't ask for any presents, I didn't go out. I was fine with that, though.

my life

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