Status Quo

Apr 05, 2016 11:39

Ok, exciting news:

An old college friend of mine who lives in New Jersey managed to get tickets to see Itzhak Perlman play at the Mayo Peforming Arts Center. For those who don't know who he is, Itzhak Perlman is a world famous, Israeli violinist. What makes him different from other violinists is that he contracted polio and was basically expected to be disabled forever. He beat the odds and went on to become an amazing violinist. I am very much looking forward to going next month.

What's even sweeter is that she went out of her way to make this a surprise for me. I feel so flattered! Luckily it's on the weekend, so my boyfriend can watch Oliver while I'm going.

Speaking of Oliver, he has been having really bad meltdowns. I think separation anxiety has kicked in, big time. Every time he sees me or my boyfriend leave the house, he screams and cries and is very inconsolable. It was particularly bad during Easter, all he wanted to do was cling to me and cried pretty much the whole day. I guess it doesn't help that he can't talk so he's unable to tell me how he feels. He still only says mama and dada, and that's pretty much it. He does seem to understand everything I say, though.

His 18 month appointment is coming up later this month so I'm going to yet again have a chat with the pediatrician about my concerns and if the pediatrician still insists there's nothing wrong with Oliver's lack of height, lack of vocabulary and some of his behavior, I am going to start looking for a new doctor. Sorry, but there's no reason why an 18 month old should be wearing size 6-9 month old pants.

Yesterday I had my knee MRI. There was a bit of a hoopla because of my loop recorder but 1. the company says it's MRI safe and 2. it was an open MRI so there were no magnets anywhere near my chest. Otherwise, I could have had the MRI done over the weekend.

I'll find out the results Thursday, unless the doctor calls to tell me first. TBH, I'm prepared for him to say that there's nothing wrong with my knee but whatever.
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