Mar 16, 2004 23:13
Wow... I have no idea as to where to begin... I am in Germany... a place that usually turns my life around anyway. But this trip, of all trips, has had the BEST effect on me so far. After I had made amends with Justin on those damned flights... my experience began. I walked into the airport in Munich and I saw Patrick first, and then looked for Joe... I saw him there, with his fluffy-cuffed jacket and my heart just stopped... My breathing stopped, time stopped... it all just froze as I ran to him and hugged him. Soooo much that has happened between us... so much that I knew we still had to talk about. But it was all normal... kinda. Haha, we went back to Patrick's apartment and just walked around town after that. It felt too surreal to be there, to see Joe again. Well anyways, we went out to a bar that night to see Julia and Simon. I didn't talk a lot, only to Joe, really. We had a lot to catch up on. When we got back to Patty's, we all just went to sleep... looong trip for Justin and me. The next day it was all Munich and walking again. More talking for Joe and me. That night another bar (well, 2) and more talking with everyone. (More details later, I am so tired...) Then Sunday Joe and I came here to Augsburg and we are staying with his friend Nico. Nico, btw, is the greatest. SUCH a nice guy, can't wait to see him again this summer :D. But being here, with Joe... it's like I am alive again. I feel like I am whole again cuz we finally got to have our heart to heart... lol... those damn poems he wrote that get to me every time... The depth of their meaning, they touch my soul, every one. Who the hell writes french Poems for me... for any girl...? Amazing... You know... I will be damned to hell if he gets some BITCH that doesn't appreciate him. I'll make sure she gets 'gekillt' myself. That really is a scary thought for me, that he will date some girl that will hurt him... like I did... Bah, but he knows I would do anything for him, anytime, no matter what. And we both know that we love each other and that neither of us are ever really alone... That makes me happy. I needed this... I really did. Now I can go back to the 'Boro and make it these next few months. Un-alone and refreshed... Thanks Joe, if you ever read this, for being everything I ever needed and more. I can't wait to start all over again with you...