Oct 31, 2010 14:34
Today is the day when millions of kids troop from house to house dressed up as witches, vampires, ghosts, and pumpkins, and look cute in exchange for candy.
For the first time in my life, I'll be distributing said candy.
I stopped trick-or-treating when I was fourteen, but for the past two years I've been out on Halloween night.
This year, the calendar-makers were stupid enough to put Halloween on a SUNDAY. Which means... no party tonight.
So I went out last night, and tonight, October 31, 2010, I have to stay home in my hippie costume and hand out Reese's Pieces to the obnoxious (yet adorable) children in my neighborhood.
My life so far has been measured in holidays. Chanukah, Fourth of July, Rosh Hashanah, Halloween. Giving up the ritual that has been with me for so many years will be quite melancholy indeed.
Instead of gallivanting around the creepy culs-de-sac, I'll be hanging skeleton lights in the windows. Instead of collecting delectable Three Musketeers Bars, I'll be giving away Tootsie Rolls. And instead of eating sweets until I'm sick, I'll be editing an essay about Transcendentalism.
Well, there goes my childhood.