May 13, 2006 12:54
This tagging requires that the taggee lists up to ten things he or she wants to say to ten different people, without stating who these people are. Comment speculation is not to be confirmed or denied. After completing, then tag five (5) people.
1. I still consider you a good friend, and I love you now as I ever did. Even if we don't hang out anymore, that's okay, because I'll always remember that I've never laugh harder than when I was with you.
2. I wish we could do Mexico all over again, because I miss you and your drunken French!
3. I'm sick right now, and it makes me think of you. I want to fall asleep in your arms.
4. If you were in the house next to mine, or even in the same state, I would bake you brownies and tell you stories to make you laugh. Unfortunately, we never talk and you live very far away.
5. You -will- be a famous writer someday, and I'll read all your books.
6. Too bad you live in Texas, you look like you're having a seriously good time.
7. Why are you so sad? I want to give you a cookie or something, you've been so depressed lately.
8. It's weird, because you seem so much older now than you used to when we hung out at TLI.
9. You are so talented. I'm really proud of you, because I was kind of around when you got started, and I think I even helped push you towards where you are now. If I didn't help, it doesn't matter, because atleast you're happy.
10. What happened to you? You got a job and a boyfriend and now you're gone!!