ytd i realized how fat i am.
no. that's not exactly true.
i've ALWAYS known how fat i am, just that spine of mine prefers to laze around than to do anything productive (unless you consider staring at all things Huddy productive. x))
so anyway, as i was saying (before i was rudely interrupted by myself), i saw last sunday's video and i realized how fat i am.
i'm not stupid.
i know i'm plump all along, but i never realized it was THAT obvious.
i'm starting to look pregnant.
not "seriously, you're 3 months pregnant, we never realized!" pregnant but "is it a boy or a girl?" pregnant.
and i've decided before i start to be "have you chosen the name yet?" or "when's the shower?" pregnant,
last year, i chosen "no food" as my slim-down regime.
thanks to the idea of being a non-fat bridesmaid for my brother.
it actually worked...
i started with skipping dinner altogether.
into eat the green-looking-pasty-scary meal replacement (ugh, what was i thinking)
into eating the veg but not the rice.
into eating 50% of the rice instead of a whole meal.
i think the secret is really skip all fast food. (i had been binging on McD and KFC aLOT earlier ago)
this year, i've resolved to chose "exercise" as my slim-down regime.
because i cant deprived myself from real food. (yes, i'm refering those dripping-oil-crispy chicken as REAL food.)
although the gym was just the ground floor of my condo (right at my block too), i've only been there like 5 times. same goes to the swimming pool.
anyway, ytd i went there with my beloved mum, i went on the treadmill (because the last time i tried the bicycle, i ended up crashing... i know, drama queen! but it's 100% true. it was a very hilarious but EMBARRASSING moment). all went quite fine, although the one i was on couldnt check the pulse rate, so i have to go on the bicycle to check it anyway. it went up to 150! o.O den it was up and down and up and down.. i think it took more than 5 minutes to go back to below 100. i also tried a thingamajig that is so damn hard, it's worse than the 10 mins on the treadmill. then i check my pulse again, which goes up and down again.
and mom's going all "you have to go for checkup! why you recover so slow?! means you're very healthy!" which is sorta true i think.
i think we spent more time checking my pulse than doing any exercise.. =.=
today, i seem to accomplish much more, (which is why i'm bragging right now, lmao) my final stats on the treadmill is...
Distance: 21.2 (i assume km?)
Calories: 232 (i think it counts as ntg if i eat a bowl of noodles right now)
Heartrate: 167! (woOt... i only check my pulse after, cuz it's hard to check your pulse when you're running anyways. i check ytd that my heart rate should not go over 170.. oops, that was close)
Time: 30mins..
overall, i'm very satisfied.
i might actually enjoy this.
hopefully this will stick, so i'll be slim non-pregnant again. :)