I'm really enjoying
And not because the lead male is awesome, though I am enjoying his droll humour a lot, but mainly because here is a show that doesn't shy away from tough female characters with heart. Both Lillian and Riley are complete characters. Yes they can shoot or act tough, but that doesn't mean they aren't in touch with their emotions or that they can't have a sense of humour. I love that Riley looks up to Lillian as a role model in a world where she probably has few female role models. I love the interplay between Lillian and Riley full stop. I also love that the fact that these women do what they do and do it well, doesn't mean they are completely accepted in this man's world. There are numerous references, especially in the first episodes, to men (particularly Gabriel) feeling emasculated in the face of these women. And these women telling them to suck it up.
I pretty much love all the main characters they've set up, male and female. Don't get me wrong. I'm just particularly loving that I love these two wonderful strong female characters. It's rare and brilliant and I hope to hell the show isn't axed any time soon.
I'm also loving the snappy interplay between Gabriel and Riley. That they can be emotionally supportive of each other and that they can be so close, but always professional. Loving the interplay between Gabriel and the science geeks in charge of his health and well-being. Science geeks who are such caring creatures might I add - loving that too. They aren't cold and heartless or unemotional as so many scientists are portrayed. And they're perfectly capable of being brave-hearted. Their mother-henning and care of Gabriel is adorable. And Gabe's reactions are too! You can tell he quite likes it and is amused, all the while protesting that he's fine and would they stop now.
Ah, in short I have fallen in love with this show. A show I thought would just be a serious version of Chuck... which it sort of is, but it WORKS! It works so well! If you've given up on it, please watch beyond the first few episodes. It's worth it.
Anyone else watching? Got any recs for fic or where to find good stuff?
I'm hooked. :)
(Oh I need icons too!)