For some reason I never got around to posting these on my LJ, so I'm remedying that now. :D
The Great ETV Experiment #3 (TGETEV3) - June 2013
You all know by now I organise these group experiments for kicks. So here's the latest one. :)
Summary: The vidders voted on a theme: FEAR, then on some music. Starrylizard then cut up the song and handed out the pieces. All vidders work independently and at the end the pieces are stuck back together again to make a surprise, experimental, multifandom video.
Download link - Large size
Download link - regular sizeYoutube linkETV forum thread Vidder (fandom) in order of appearance:
Hay1ock (Teen Wolf)
Coastal5 (The Walking Dead)
SLauveng (Utopia)
CrystalSC (Buffy)
Nightshadeisis (Charmed)
Gentlesideoffury (Supernatural)
Starrylizard (Doctor Who)
PsychoCynic (Hanibal)
Click to view
The Great ETVE Experiment #2 (TGETVE2) - March 2013
Summary: The vidders voted on a theme: Kick@ss Action, then on some music. Then Starrylizard cut up the song and handed out the pieces. All vidders work independently and at the end the pieces are stuck back together again to make a surprise, experimental, multifandom video.
Download linkYoutube linkETV forum thread Vidder (fandom) in order of appearance:
Illegal0Immoral (The Vampire Diaries)
Ash48 (Arrow)
Starrylizard (Missing)
PsychoCynic (Avengers)
Coastal5 (Green Street)
CrystalSC (Haywire)
SLauveng (Sons of Anarchy)
Click to view
Please leave comments on youtube or ETV if you can, so all the vidders can see them. I'll also post a link to here over at ETV if you want to make any comments on my LJ. :D