I need more Derek Hale icons

Jun 02, 2013 12:26

Hi all.

I'm a little quiet these days. And I'm not keeping up with any of you very well, which is sad when there isn't that much traffic to keep up with.
So I thought I'd post and say "hi".

I have a cold at the moment, so I'm holed up this weekend re-watching Teen Wolf and basking in how gorgeous Derek Hale is. I'm can be shallow in my TV watching, especially when sick.

I just finished my bit of TGETVE3 for Expanding the Verse and I'm all: 'man I miss vidding!' That was fun! So now I want to make a vid, but my mind (being where it is at the moment - see above paragraph) wants to make a vid featuring shirtless men and... is that ok? I mean if I was a guy and I made a shirtless chick vid I'd catch some flack, right? But still, that's where my brain wants to go. Arrow, SPN, Teen Wolf... Shirtless guys. Mmmmm.

And on that extremely shallow note, I will just say "hope you're all well" and move away from the computer... and back to my Derek Hale Teen Wolf re-watch.

xxx Lizzie

random tv chatter, rl, teen wolf, vidding

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