Challenge entry for tvrealm

Jan 18, 2013 19:56

If Sherlock Holmes (Elementary) & Olivia Dunham (Fringe) had a love-child I think their love child would be Rachel Pirzad (Alphas).

For the challenge:

For the badge:
Rachel was different. It had become more and more obvious as she grew older. Walter loved it! He hypothesised that the Cortexephan in Olivia’s system during pregnancy had altered Rachel’s DNA, enhancing the analytical skills she inherited from her parents and ramping them up to extreme levels. All her senses were heightened to an amazing degree.

Sherlock wasn’t the best role model a kid could have, but Rachel’s unusual skills were actually what kept him coming back at first. That he found his own daughter fascinating had led to a stronger bond than Olivia had imagined Sherlock capable of. He loved the details and his daughter noticed everything.

Olivia had often found the three of them, Walter, Sherlock and Rachel playing their own games around the laboratory. Find the scent or match that sound. The two of them were always testing her skills, pushing her a little further. Rachel loved it most of the time. Olivia, Peter or Joan would were usually break it up when she’d had enough, pulling the over-tired child away from the excitable experimentalists.

As Rachel got older, she enjoyed Daddy Sherlock’s company the most. She needn’t be concerned with social norms or annoying conversations about boyfriends and which clothes to wear. He didn’t care for that stuff. It was boring and inconsequential. Olivia worried though and when Rachel got old enough to feel left out of the world by her abilities she tracked down doctor known for helping with unusual problems.

Olivia thought it was probably inevitable that Rachel would follow the family into investigating crimes of an unusual nature. It was a surprise though, when the psychologist she’d hired to help Rachel integrate better had turned out to be in charge of his own special group. In New York, a whole network of special individuals operating right under the radar of Fringe Division. In the end though, she was just glad her daughter had found a group of people and a job that made her happy.


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