Worst video ever challenge entry

Aug 30, 2011 20:35

Vidder: starrylizard
Title: 2 Strong Hearts
Song: Two Strong Hearts / I will Always Love you
Artist: by John Farnham / Whitney Houston
Warnings: This vid contains (in no particular order) an overly long and unrelated introductory sequence, a very large and obnoxious watermark, typos, flappy mouth, random use of effects, literal lyric matching, badly executed voice overs, looooong clips, audioswap/karaoke, a long unintelligible summary that doesn’t actually make the vid any more sensible, mismatched aspect ratios, clip residue… and more…
Fandom: Primeval
Characters/Pairing: Stephen/Cutter
Summary: Stephen and Cutter love each other, but circumstances keep pulling them apart and eventually Stephen is eaten by dinosaurs while saving Cutter and Cutter is really upset and Stephen had thought he was dead too and it was totally tragic!
File: 4:15
Links: YouTube | 4shared | Challenge entry post at ETV
Crossposted to: Primeval_denial
Vidder notes: Please note that I had to audio swap the Whitney Houston song, so that YT would play it, but I think it isn’t too noticeable.

Yes, that's right. I was dumb enough to enter the worst video ever challenge over at ETV.

The challenge was to make the worst possible vid you could, while still making it sort of watch-able, I guess. I pretty much made a vid that included all the foibles on youtube that make me laugh as well as all the things I did as a newbie vidder. While I'm really not sure it is watch-able, I did inspire two other vidders to enter the challenge, so go me. You can see their entries here and here if you're at all interested. Actually there is buckets of vidding meta in these three vids. Some people commented that they could be used as a training tool of some sort, but I just hope that this vid is amusing and completely scars you for life.

primeval, vids

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