Cover Art and icons: Do Not Go Gentle

Mar 18, 2006 22:28

I decided to have a play with photo shop CS, since I currently have a 30 day trial version, and was inspired by the fic Do Not Go Gentle by forlornhope42 which I read avidly every week. In the fic John is a Leukemia patient and Rodney is sent to keep him company...of course they fall in love. (Currently up to chapter 65 and still going...I don't mind if it keeps on forever. :D)

The idea (quoted below) touched me and hence the butterfly in the picture. Also in the background is the beach and blue sky of Wisteria Cove, which becomes John and Rodney's place of sanctuary while John recovers.

Quote from Chapter 22:
”[Butterflies] help people to die easy because they take their souls to paradise.”

Rodney was so shocked by this statement that he stopped from turning the wheelchair around. ”Who said that?”

”My grandpa said it, and when he was dying he asked me to paint many many butterflies for him and I did and when he was gone he came back to me in my dream and said that he was happy where he was because all my butterflies were with him. And I had been so sad but he made me happy. I know he and our butterflies are with me all the time.”

”Does your mom know about it?” Rodney asked calmly.

”I told her, but it made her sad, so I don’t talk to her about grandpa’s butterfly anymore. But I paint lots of butterflies for Alana. Come on, let’s go back down the corridor.”

Rodney obeyed, asking because his curiosity got the better of him: ”What will you do with the butterflies if Alana should live?”

”Then we will play with them”, she said. “And we will be happy. Either way, someone will be happy.”

The Shep manipulation (no hair!) is from kyokoaegis, but I added the skull cap.
Butterfly and beach pictures were found on
The McKay image is taken from a high resolution screencap from 38minutes posted by dbw. She posts great screencaps.

myart, icons

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