Fic rec! With posters!

Mar 18, 2006 17:02

I was perusing the latest artword challenge entries and this one is really creative.

Wander over and read: Four Quarters by trinityofone, with gorgeous poster art by wychwood (McKay/Sheppard, rated R)

Summary: This is a lot of fun, but slightly angsty with the intentional canon references. It's basically an AU in which Shep, McKay and others form a band as kids and work up to stardom and it's inherent problems. (Bleh that description does not do it justice...sorry)

I'm becoming something of an AU freak these days!! I just find it so darn clever how people incorporate the characters into a new environment or scenario.
For those people avoiding slash on my flist, please at least look a the very safe and non-R-rated poster art scattered throughout the fic! Oh and the R-rating applies only to one small scene in the fic and you can probably skip over if you truly must.


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