Merlin fic recs wanted.

Dec 31, 2010 16:50

Okay, so far my foray into Merlin fic has been super unsuccessful.

So far I'm unable to get into any of the pairings and I think it's because usually I get pulled into fandoms based on awesome long gen (or gen that turns into a pairing/not just PWP) fics. In this case, that'd be something with an adventure and magic and baddies and you know... a plot.

So far all I've found is PWP and badly written... well I won't go into it, but some poorly written stuff. I must not be looking in the right places.

Any help? I don't mind if there's a pairing that is developed through the story because of their super awesome adventure. But come on, this is a series with magic and dragons and princes and knights... surely there must be some plotty fics out there. Right?

Help me fabulous flisties. Please.

I love the show and wanna get into it in a fandom way. I'd love to write it at some time in the future. But right now I'm BORED and I want fic I care to read.

*puppy-eyes you all*

merlin, help

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