Jul 16, 2010 23:33

Title: TGRRVE5
Fandom: Supernatural
Song: Rusted from the Rain by Billy Talent
Vidders (in order of appearance): Crazy4jared82, Mute90, Ash48, Starrylizard, CrystalSC, wac91, BelleMacFarlane, Adisenna, PsychoCynic and Gentlesideoffury.
Summary: Yes, we've been at it again. The Great Round Robin Vidding Experiment 5 saw ten vidders from SVS divvy up a song, vid their own part completely independent of each other and then we stuck it all back together again. It's always a fun experiment and this one has been no exception.
Notes: If anyone is interested in TGRRVE, including how it started and what it is, ash48 asked to interview me and you can read the transcript on her LJ HERE

Links: SVS thread | Youtube | Mediafire

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Also posted to: Vidding | fan_vids | Supernaturalvid


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