hc_bingo card Word of the day:
Wordsmith |
One Look (top 5 words) |
Dictionary.com |
Merriam-webster |
Oxford English Dictionary LJ Communities
spnwriterlounge - prompts, comment fic memes, etc.
spngenlove - comment fic memes
found_fic_spn - challenge community
spn_het_love - challenge community
spnflashfic - challenge community
spn_thur_nights - challenges and fic prompt posts
spn_epific -
Master prompt list general
write_over - weekly writing prompts
tamingthemuse - Prompts posted Saturday (min 500 words)
scifi_prompt -
Prompt tagprompt_of_dayeyesofthedemon - Monthly writing prompts (min 500 words)
Caotic Shiny - Writing prompt generator (this is awesome!)
justprompts - prompt lists
writing_game - A writing board game
Prompts I still need to fulfil
Paranormal25 table - Claim SPN and SGA + crossovers
spn_30snapshots Table - Claim Sam Winchester, fic between 100-1000 words.
Alphabet fic meme Tenth Doctor companions Individual prompts
Stuffed animal, make-believe, blackout. - Preferably wee!chesters and if you'd like, Papa Winchester, too! Chaos prompts Vidding prompts
vid_the_grid - My table is
HEREspn_sceneit -
Inspiration posts If you'd like to prompt me for anything, feel free to comment. I don't guarantee to write or vid your suggestions, but I do love ideas and I try to do any I can. :)