SPN - 3x15

May 09, 2008 23:26

OMG! That was so very disturbing!! *sporks out eyes* I thought women spitting up their teeth was disgusting...but I think I'm gonna have nightmares for weeks. *shudders* O_O

BELA!! I know a lot of you hate her, but I quite liked Bela... okay I thought she was freaking awesome! *sobs* At least she went out in a cool way and with back story! I don't feel so bad for her when she had a purpose. I do wonder what's happened to The Colt though.

What the heck is with Dean's contract? Cos for the past two episodes, they have been searching for a way out of his deal and I thought that was supposed to kill Sammy, but apparently that only happens when it fits with the plot or maybe the contract is much more complicated... I mean Sammy is still a walkin' and a talkin'.

And okay, so we now know who has Dean's contract. Hands up if you hadn't guessed that one already. No one. What a surprise.

I mostly liked this episode for where things are heading, I'm just still reeling from the OMG DISTURBING!!! freaky hackety-up people man who was gonna take Sammy's big dewy eyes out with a spoon, and sarcasm helps me deal!!

spn, review

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