Title: Five Times Winchester Life Imitated Disney
starrylizardWarnings/Spoilers: None
Rating: Gen, PG
Word count: 881
Summary: The title says it all really.
Notes: Written for
spnschoomptasia and beta-read by
rinkle (
Five Times Winchester Life Imitated Disney )
/Sam had that look on his face that said Dean had just become his latest science experiment, but at the moment, Dean couldn’t care too much. The room was floating about nicely, the candlelight fuzzier than it should be./
Wee!chesters are just the most adorable thing in the history of ever.
If you've never read this piece:http://teithiwr.livejournal.com/19051.html I think you might like it!
/Dean handed Sam the shovel, showed him how to carry it slung over one shoulder and began to whistle as he led his brother through the trees. Sam smiled, picking up the song and started to sing. “Heigh-ho heigh-ho, it’s off to work we go.”
Sam sang, Dean and John whistling the accompaniment, until the job was done./
OMG! Shameless self pimping, but you'll understand when you see it!:
/Sam’s eyes grew large as he watched the two bits of broom begin to move. “Um, Dean?”/
Little brothers are just adorable.
/“Bad, Dean. Stay!”/
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