Title: Small comforts - Pat pat
StarrylizardWord count: 100 word drabble
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: Gen, G
Summary: John is comforted by baby Sam
Quiet tears fell from tired eyes as John shuffled Sammy onto his shoulder. The baby was a comforting weight that snuggled right up against his neck.
It had been three months without Mary and sometimes the weight of it all seemed like too much for one man to bear.
A chubby palm landed an uncoordinated rhythm on his shoulder. pat pat “Da da da da da.” A sing-song gurgling and snuffle of warm breath.
John wiped tear-stained eyes against warm baby flannel and smiled. “You don’t say, Sammy.”
pat pat “Da da daa.”
“Yeah, we’ll be okay, Sammy. Thanks, bub.”