Guess who's not sleeping?

Mar 07, 2007 01:40

Me. And I just turned on the TV. I don't know if this is an Australian phenomenon, but they have these late night quiz shows where you can ring in and win cash. Yhe presenters are often washed-up Big Brother stars and they are just awful to watch.

Anyway, tonight on this one show, the same quiz has been going since about midnight (no I have't been watching it since then) and it is to name famous John's. Which makes me giggle anyway. I want them to start naming porn stars and I keep wanting someone to name John Winchester and John Sheppard, but anyway...

The reason I'm really giggling is that no one is calling. They have even promised $50 to anyone that calls, and the ditzy presenter lady is just standing there going "come on people, ring up and name some famous John's" and then falling quiet. *close up of woman's face* :P 'tis funny, but it's possibly because it's after 1am and I want to sleep and just can't seem to.

God these shows are lame. What ever happened to all the late-night sci fi? I miss the old startrek re-runs.

rl, rambles

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